Program for dispatcher, driver and taxi client


Maximum convenient and easy to use.
Includes all necessary tools for taxi operation.
   Updates and technical support are included in any tariff.

ES Cabinet – dispatch program

A universal solution for the professional work of dispatchers. Automatic calculation of the cost of the trip, distribution of orders between drivers, flexible setting of tariffs, quality control of employees. The system works for you, allowing you to achieve maximum results at minimum costs.

Capabilities of the dispatch program:

• Caller ID with auto-detection of frequent addresses.

• Calculation of the cost of the order in all settlements (license card).

• Automatic order distribution mode by sectors or GPS coordinates.

• A large number of different reports on the work of the taxi service.

• Display of drivers on the map in real time with recording of GPS tracks.

• Automatic notification of the client by call or SMS.

• Loyalty programs for customers (discounts, bonuses, mobile top-up).

• Flexible setup for paying commissions.

• Automatic mode of distribution of orders by types or classes of machines.

• Automatic notification of the driver when the information in the order changes.

• flexible setting of tariffs.

• Telephony integrated into the program with the maximum set of functions.

• Black list of unscrupulous passengers.

• Ability to create drivers' work schedule.

ES Driver – application for drivers

Make the driver's work easier with the help of the program. Using his phone, he will be able to quickly accept orders, according to the queue or GPS, take free orders from the air, independently register at parking lots and much more.

Program options for drivers:

• Registration in sectors with the possibility of viewing queues.

• Automatic offer of orders by sector or GPS coordinates.

• Independent reception of free orders from the air.

• Display of order points and the location of the driver on the map when taking an order.

• Filter for orders (by sectors, radius, cost, distance).

• Individual settings for the application (theme, font, language, display of orders).

• Software GPS taximeter with different modes of operation.

• GPS navigation (Google, Waze, City Guide and others).

• Topping up the balance with a payment card.

• Sending text messages to the dispatcher or another driver.

• Individual settings for the application (themes, fonts, language, display of orders, etc.).

• Maintaining an archive of orders.

• Ability to call the client or dispatcher from the application.

• Independent reception of free orders from the air.

ES Client – customer application

Your customers no longer need to call the dispatcher! A sophisticated interface with automatic determination of the current location will allow you to place an order in just a few clicks, and thanks to the taxi vehicle tracking function, the customer always sees exactly where his taxi car is.

Program options for customers:

• Automatic determination of the current point by GPS coordinates.

• Convenient address search (map, manual input, popular addresses).

• Displaying the taxi car on the map in real time.

• Ability to place several orders at the same time.

• History of the client's trips with the possibility of re-ordering.

• The possibility of changing the cost of the order.

• City selection in manual or automatic mode.

• Payment of the order in cash or by bank card.

• Branding for the taxi service with placement in GooglePlay and AppStore.

• Selection of interface language.

• Choice of car type (station wagon, minibus, business, premium).

• Selection of additional order options (air conditioner, luggage, travel with an animal, etc.).

• Client registration via SMS.

• Automatic placement of the order in the dispatcher program and its assignment to the driver.

IP telephony, software PBX

Use the professional capabilities of the software PBX to increase the speed and quality of order processing.

Telephony options:

• Possibility of local installation or use of a cloud solution.

• Automatic determination of the client's telephone number (ATN).

• Auto-opening of the order card and customer information.

• Audio recording of all conversations.

• Voice menu, hold on the line, Callback function.

• Automatic voice message to the client about the order.

• Organization of communication between the client and the driver through corporate numbers.

• Distribution of incoming calls between free operators.

• Combining city and mobile numbers into a single network.

• Provision of multi-channel numbers.

• Dialing and transferring calls in one click.

• The possibility of working in different cities through one Call Center.

• Ability to connect a short number.

• Complete statistics and work analytics.

• History of calls (incoming, outgoing, missed).

• Voice greeting or informing while waiting for a customer on the line.

Call center services

Creating your own team of dispatchers is an expensive and time-consuming task, so our team of professional dispatchers is ready to accept your orders around the clock, guaranteeing a quick response and prompt creation of new orders.

Call center features:

• Our dispatchers work around the clock, accepting orders from customers at any time of the day. Regardless of whether the customer needs a taxi early in the morning or late at night, our call center is always in touch.

• Thanks to the integration of modern technologies, our operators instantly process your applications, ensuring fast delivery of the car.

• We take into account your personal wishes and needs, offering a variety of ordering options - from a standard taxi to specialized services such as transfers or corporate trips.

• Dispatchers monitor the fulfillment of each order, maintain contact with drivers and customers to ensure timely and safe execution of the trip. In case of any unforeseen situations, the dispatchers promptly resolve the issue on the spot.

• Complete statistics and work analytics: audio recording of all conversations and history of all calls (incoming, outgoing, missed).

• Voice menu, hold on the line, Callback function.

• Ability to connect a short number.

Order exchange service

Do not lose customers for whom a free car was not found! Using this service, you will be able to send such an order to a partner taxi service. In addition, you will receive orders from partners, expanding your customer base.

Why should anyone sell or buy orders?

When the taxi fleet or dispatch room is overloaded, for example on holidays or weekends, there is a risk of losing a loyal customer. In case of refusal, he will not return to the same taxi service because of a negative experience. But if the dispatcher promptly transfers the received order to another service - the client will receive the expected service, and will remain loyal to the company he called in. In addition, the income from the completed order will be received by both taxi services that participate in its reception and execution.

In turn, the purchase of taxi orders allows the company to receive orders from the very beginning of work, without serious investments in advertising. But the main advantage in this situation is the opportunity to avoid downtime of drivers, ensure an even load of dispatchers and increase profitability. This is especially relevant for new services for which taking orders from the taxi exchange is often a matter of survival, as they have neither widespread popularity nor a popular mobile app.

Integration with external services

Customer notification SMS

Send sms messages to your customers automatically using the mailing service. For example, you can inform the customer about the delivery of the car or its absence.

Accepting payments from drivers through payment terminals

Accept payments from drivers around the clock using payment terminals. Now the driver does not have to come to the office to pay commissions.

Topping up the driver's balance with a payment card from the application

After connecting this service, the driver will be able to replenish his balance without leaving the program using a bank card.

Payment by the customer of the order by bank card through the application

Most people use a bank card every day. By offering this payment method to your potential customers, you gain an advantage over those who only pay with cash.

Replenishment of the client's mobile account

Increase customer loyalty by topping up their phones during promotions or after completed orders!

Short mobile number

The advantage of using the 'Short Mobile Number' service is that it is easy to remember. Remembering the four digits of the short number is much easier than the standard seven or ten; and that it is the same for all operators mobile communication.

Website for taxi service

For potential customers, especially out-of-towners, the taxi service website is a valuable source of contact information, and with proper promotion, it increases the number of incoming calls by 30-40%. In addition, it is a tool for promoting another important source of customer acquisition — mobile application.

An effective taxi service website must perform several important functions:

• Briefly and easily inform about the possibilities of ordering a taxi.

• To be a source of information about taxi service contacts and rates.

• Serve as a source of attracting new customers and drivers.

• Help promote the mobile application for ordering a taxi.

We develop sites with an individual design or according to a ready-made template. The site includes an order form and other functional sections. All sites are adapted for a computer, tablet and smartphone.

We also provide services for domain name registration ( and hosting (the place where the site is stored).

Contextual advertising in Google
(Google Ads)

This is an effective way to attract a target audience and increase the number of customers. It allows you to show ads to users who are already looking for your products or services, which significantly increases the chances of conversion.

Contextual advertising options:

• Accuracy: ads are shown to people who are already looking for your products or services.

• Flexibility: the ability to instantly make changes to the campaign based on results.

• Speed: ads start working immediately after the campaign is launched.

• Pay only for results: You only pay for real clicks on your ads.

• Increase brand awareness: Even if the user doesn't make a purchase right away, your ad will leave an impression that will help increase brand awareness.

• Local targeting: the ability to customize the display of ads for users in specific geographic regions, which is especially useful for local businesses.

• Multi-platform: Your ads can be shown not only on Google search, but also on YouTube, mobile applications and partner sites, which expands the reach of your audience.

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